Friday, July 22, 2005

Feltcher needs to bend over and take it like a man

As regular readers of the PlugNickel may know, I think a lot of this deal in Frankfort is about Stumbo's preternatural ability to cast Feltcher and the lovely lads as effeminate catrati lacking even the most basic testicular fortitude to admit wrong. After all, the WSJ editorial page is, surprise surprise pimping for the gov (they must have gotten that picture from Feltcher's "fat year" at summer camp. An awkward time of being awakened to confusing yet exciting feelings...) and the governor once again fell clumsily into Stumbo's trap by declaring that, unable to step up to the plate like a man, he announced he is not ruling out taking the easy way, ahem, out. I'm talking about pardons, Patches.


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